The MakerLab was recently featured in a story in USA Today titled, "Universities Create 3D Printing Spaces but at Unequal Paces." This story identified the University of Illinois as a leader in the growing movement to establish 3D printing spaces on college campuses. As noted in this story, 3D printing provides a unique and valuable learning experience for college students and is quickly becoming an important factor in prospective students' search for the right college to attend. According to the story's author, Nenad Tadic, who is currently a student at Emory University, "Schools that don't offer the latest in 3D printing advancement — could be dismissed by prospective college students and parents." In addition to providing students access to a dozen 3D printers and two 3D scanners, the MakerLab also offers a number of educational initiatives, ranging from short tutorials on various 3D modeling software programs to a full semester class (Making Things) in which teams of students conceptualize, design, prototype, manufacture, and market a 3D printed object. Thus, the MakerLab is yet one more reason for prospective students to select the University of Illinois for their college education.

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