Guru Spotlight - Almasa Krvavac
/The MakerLab Gurus are a really important part of the lab. They run the lab day to day by helping start prints, facilitating workshops, troubleshooting printers, and teaching new volunteer! Today, we will introduce you to one of our gurus, Almasa Krvavac!
Almasa is currently a junior at the Gies College of Business here at Illinois studying Accounting and Information Systems/Information Technology. She first joined the MakerLab as a volunteer in Spring 2017 and worked her way up to a guru! Almasa is also our digital marketing coordinator and as a result she oversees the volunteers who run our various social media accouts! Almasa’s favorite part about working in the lab is definitely the people. She loves talking to experienced makers and to new ones! Helping people learn has always been one of her strong suits and she is more than grateful that she is able to extend that through her position in the lab. Guru’s in the MakerLab are often times managing and working on various projects that aid the lab. This semester, Almasa is working on creating a sponsor wall for the lab! We have a bit of unused space on one of our walls and another Guru, William Jones, brought up the idea of 3D printing the logos of the MakerLab's sponsors (Proctor & Gamble, Caterpillar, Infosys, Intel, MakeShaper) to showcase the networks that 3D printing can provide. She loves working on this project as it has allowed her to learn a new modeling software, Fusion 360! And check it out! The sponsor wall is coming along great!
“The value of the MakerLab is definitely in the people you meet while you’re there.”
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