Happy New Year!
Welcome to the new year. 2014 was a busy year for our Lab--we experienced a 30% increase in our number of users, added more 3D printers (we now have 14 in total) and a new 3D scanner, and obtained a large grant to establish satellite labs in Chicago & Anna, IL. 2015 promises to be another great year! This coming semester, we will be offering not one, but two courses on 3D Printing: Making Things taught by Aric Rindfleisch and Digital Making taught by Vishal Sachdev. In addition, we plan on hosting a 3D Conference here in Champaign sometime this spring (stay tuned), and also hope to try out some new 3D printable materials such as metal and plastics that conduct electricity!
Our Lab reopens for the Spring Semester on Thursday, January 22. We look forward to seeing all the great things that you will make in 2015!
Happy New Year!